I’m really happy to be included within Foto Femme United
Meg Wellington writes about ‘Someone’s Rubbish’ It's a great article, Meg took some time looking over thousands of my photos. In Notice Jobs Money, the paper is wet and weathered and discarded cigarettes and matches surround. The narrative of unemployment continues in the readymade composition, torn off numbers giving clues of the previous human interaction that took place. Many poignant topics run through Juno’s project that can be interpreted as markers of contemporary living. Homelessness, drug use, unemployment, marriage, elections, birthdays, right through to the current pandemic. The archive that is being built through the project is a brutal, unedited one. There is sadness upon viewing some of Juno’s photographs, a disbelief that they are extracted from a recent time.
Read More https://www.fotofemmeunited.com/article/244
Foto Femme United is an international women’s photography group and community established and based in Paris, France. Our mission is multi-layered. To start, we believe that empowering women in photography around the world is vital.