CJ: FEATURES : Wearable coat made out of collected rubbish - Inspired by 'SOMEONES RUBBISH' made by Kiko Townsley

Sometimes when I open my emails, I find a lovely email from a student contacting me about my creative work and 'SOMEONE'S RUBBISH' with lots of questions about the photos I make, like why and how I come up with ideas, etc. Recently Kiko contacted me with some questions, and I replied and asked her some questions back, I’m also interested in why they focused on my work, how they found it, what their creative world looks like what kind of work they are making. I find it inspiring, their way of looking in on my work, it also makes me look at mine in new ways. When Kiko emailed back with what they had been working on it made me smile so much.

Kiko came back with this. 

In response to your question about what my course entails, we’re just wrapping up our major component 1 which allowed us to research our own personal group of artists and respond to them with a large outcome. I looked at Sophie Calle, Candy Jernigan, and Mary Kelly’s work alongside yours, looking at themes of documentation. This ended up manifesting itself as a wearable coat made out of collected rubbish (the rubbish was personal to the model who wears the coat). I’ve attached photos with the email if you would like to check it out!  Thank you so much for your help. I love the idea with your artwork where you mentioned how the work is still forming and the concept is still forming, that’s very interesting to me, especially as someone who sometimes struggles to figure out what my overall thematic “question” is".  Kiko Townsley

I love this idea so much, and the fact that the rubbish is the model’s own too, they are wearing a document of their life, a slice of a moment in time in this life.

In was way it’s almost like a portable storage album.

Thank you, Kiko. keep doing what you do. CJ



Wearable coat made out of collected rubbish (the rubbish was personal to the model who wears the coat). Kiko Townsley


I spend hours on end looking at photographs and reviewing submissions, some images jump out at me for personal reasons. Years ago I worked in hairdressing, lots of good memories, like practicing lots of hairstyles on mannequin’s heads, everyone getting ready for nights out, and then shutting up the shop on a Saturday night. Dan’s photo of a hairdresser’s shop front taken on Swansea high street takes me right back. I love the colors, the old ceiling, and the wicker lights that look like chandeliers creating a glitter and glam vibe, all that pink!

Dan’s image is popping with mood and atmosphere.

CJ: Why do you take photos, Dan?

DM: Taking photos started for me after my late Father died, it felt like a way to connect with him because he’d always have a camera in hand, but shooting felt natural and people always seemed interested in the sort of thing I’d decided to stop and photograph, the things that stood out to me that many people would pass by.

Follow Dan on Instagram

Swansea, Hight Street, Wales, 2019 Copyright Daniel Morgan

Swansea, Hight Street, Wales, 2019 Copyright Daniel Morgan


I’ve been loving Sandy's photography for years, over on Instagram, and every now and then we chat about photos, creative stuff, and life, so when he asked me to write a response to the photos he‘s taken over 2020, the year that changed everything, it felt like a natural yes. I was nervous as I’m dyslexic, but whilst viewing his work the words seemed to flow. My best friend since I was two, checked it all over, she always seems to be there when I need her, big love to you Nel. Sandy’s photos took me on a journey to Austin, Texas, a place I have not been to, but I connected right away, so much was relatable to my lockdown experience.   Thank you for asking me Sandy, it’s given me the writing bug!

Order the book Ain’t Bad

Title : Pretty Much

Text By: Chloe Juno

Details : Edition Size 300
9″ x 7″, 96 pages Hard Cover, Perfect Bound
ISBN: 978-1-944005-49-8
Published by: Aint–Bad Fall 2021

‘In his latest body of work, Sandy Carson turns his wry wit to cataloging the year 2020, an uncertain and unprecedented time where the world began navigating the ‘new normal. On the street or just around the corner, a timeless, heartfelt, and absurdist lens joins with Sandy’s hopeful approach to storytelling, inviting the observer to take a deep breath, buckle up and hold on just a bit longer. It’s a gentle reminder that someday, these days will be worth remembering. Pretty much’. Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Book Cover, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Book Cover, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH,  Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

Walking around the streets thinking and observing, taking in the hugeness of the situation. I miss hugging friends and family; I hope I can soon. What shall I make for dinner? The shelves are empty. Have I got any toilet roll? Fixing my own broken dental filling. Empty streets, reminiscent of a film I haven’t even seen, but yet I am walking around the set. A new language: ‘Social distancing’, ‘the new normal’, ‘lockdown’, these are ‘unprecedented times’, ‘you’re on mute’. Chloe Juno

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson Order the book   Ain’t Bad

2020, PRETTY MUCH, Copyright Sandy Carson

Order the book Ain’t Bad